Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Blog Interview with Jorena

As I have always loved reading Sunday Plus, I got the inspirations from these interviews.

1. What would your last meal be? is hard to answer cos it is already very hard to decide what to eat for my next meal. It is indecisive me, always dun what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bring me to Newton Food Centre or whatever it is, and I would have walked ard it 10 times and still undecided what to makan.

2. What is ur best holidays?
- On my way back to Perth from my holiday in Sidney, I requested for a seat near exit door because I wanted to get more space. My request was turned down cos they said that it is too dangerous for hearing-impaired people to sit near the exit door in that case of emergency. But instead of giving me exit door seat, they compensated me with a plushy and comforty business class seat out, much to my surprise.

- Meeting cool and hippie airport staff in Australia, be it in Sidney or Perth. They were very cool to close one eye and let me get away with overweight baggage sneakily without charging me.

3. What is ur worst holidays?
My mom and I were supposed to set off for Singapore home at 12am when we were in Perth. But due to my lousy concept of timing, I was thinking that 12am was the next day. To our horror, we actually missed our flight last nite. I should have kicked myself harder for not double-checking. But thank God, there were some available seats so we could go home on-spot without paying extra charges.

1 Meow Meow

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to see yr blog came alive again.. ^O^


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