Thursday, August 04, 2005

Is it sweet of them,isn't it?

Look at these lovely daughter and mom rabbits! So sweet! They look to be living in very harmony,isn't it.

But you will never know that when it comes to mealtimes, all hell break loose. They will fight and chase after each other as if they dun want to let either of them have food. Blowing at me dirty with flying grains of loose sand incurred by their digging paws when they chase.

It has been more than 4 mths since my creative director friend left with her hubby for UK to work and handed them to my rabbit-sitting care for one year. Intially when they came here to stay in my garden of banana tree, grass, soil, fresh air and plants, it was culture-shocking for them. All a while, they had been living in sheltered and indoor HDB apartment. They refused to eat, making me fret over their poor appetite. They are homesick. They miss their mistress very much. I bought them some sweet treats, oats to cheer them up. They are very delighted to finish oats faster than pellets. Now, they have settled down in my garden happily and my grass is gone!

But one thing mystifies me. I pour them a 3/4 container of fresh water. The following day, I would find it empty less than 1/4. I am puzzled. How can they drink water so fast?

1 Meow Meow

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Andre said...

hey your bunnies are cute!! used to have more than 5 rabbits when i was young. beats me too *refering to the mystery of vanishing water*


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