Monday, May 30, 2005

Do I smell hated brewing?

I am getting a bit schizophrenic that Mr Tony is beginning to hate me. Before my course started, I promised him that I would work hard. After 2 months of going to school everyway to use their facilities for practise,there was not much significant improvement in my progress. He must be regretting for taking me in.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Money No Enough

I learnt that no money does not mean no fun. Not true that we must have money in order to enjoy. Last Fri evening, I met up with my good friend, Eileen for dinner at high-class artsy place, Esplanade. Intially Esplanade is not my idea for meeting cos it is a tad out of place. I dun fancy the idea of walking to there from City Hall MRT for 10 mins. But since I have no ideas where to go - I am already fatigued of going to Orchard/Bugis terrority many times, I thought that the durian-look-like place will be refreshing for us.

At Esplanade, I felt tempted to go in and eat at these fancy restaurants to enjoy the ambience, despite being on my shoestring budget. Not only that, I thought that the ambience is good for catching up with no-long-time-no-see friends, esp Eileen. But we found ourselves at Gluttons Square, alfresco hawker centre, which I dun mind. I relish eating at open-air hawker centre. I love its lively environment.

After filling up our stomaches snuggly with shared hokkien mee and char kway toew, we sat at same table and chatted under the dim light of lamp post for a while. I proposed that we check out the newly-opened club which I heard vaguely that it is opened by some NTUC organisation. But we cannot find the club and searched for the place all the way to Fullerton Hotel. Hahaha. Never mind that we cannot find the place. Instead, we explored the hotel which was my first time visit. Took a lift to restaurant on top level and sneaked into open-air roof ( we bluffed the waiter that our friends were there.) for a bird's eye view of the island of roads, lighted buildings and hotels, sea, Esplanade, cars, etc... Explored the hotel some more. Went to swimming pool, roof garden, restaurant. Discoverd chocolate fountain at ground-level restaurant. Every Fri and Sat, there is chocolate buffet.

From the hotel, we walked to Boat Quay and had cheap drinks at Macdonald. Amazingly, I found myself enjoying my time with her at humble restaurant. Yakked abt work, boys(*giggle*) including her 4-years old nephew. She felt alike that she enjoyed the evening too.

My exploration of cheap travelogue made me realise that I dun have to go to posh resturants or order expensive drinks at high-class coffee houses to have FUN! Will be happy to do again.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Great Singapore Sale!!!

My Alluring Red (if you want to know why she is Alluring Red, go and dig out my archived article, "Alluring Red & Sleek Black" dated Monday, Dec 06 2004) friend is selling Golden Village movie tixs for $5 each, oops, typo. Sorry, it is $7. Valid till June 2006. Can watch any movies at any time, be it on weekends or weekkdays. Interested, let me know. No, I am not earning any commission.I am just helping her to spread her love for movies to everyone who loves movies too. She wants to help movie-lovers to save $$$.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

What is the occasion for lunch today?

Today Mr Tony treated us to lunch which is my first time. He is in jubliant mood. I learnt that these guys from MTV who came to school this morning will be funding the pilot episode of animated series for school. It will be done by the students. Good idea. The programme will help to build up the school's reputation.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

We are going bananas!

Thanks to Miss Harumi, I have found this pix of banana cow. I have been searching for it online, even Marigold website but in vain. I wanted to ask Mr Tony for it cos he has a copy of banana cow TVC which is done by one of my school's lecturer, Ullas who is darn cool animator! But the chances, he will ask me for what, and let him know that I have a blog and want to upload this pix to my blog eh? Wait, he comes and finds my blog and realises that I have been writing non-stop abt him.

This cow is not real one. It is modelled in Maya, 3d animation software and is then animated it. Surprised?

Thought of the Day

In real life, have you ever seen a cat that eats a fish?

Monday, May 16, 2005

Online Summery Shopping

Beach Tiara

Beach Tiara is finally launched. So much after bouts of screaming and quarelling amid Mr Goofy's gal partners about swim wear, photography, website design and etc. He sacrificed a lot of sleep, chain-smoked and drowned in a lot of cuppa for the sake of making his website very beautiful and sexy. He wants to make sure that the girl shoppers have fabulous time browsing bikinis on his website and come out with a happy smile on their faces.

If only I have the money to buy this flowery bikini on this photo. Mr Goofy, is it possible for you to reserve this bikini for me?

Friday, May 13, 2005

Build rapport with my classmates

When I was studying in school from sec to uni, I didn't socialise with my classmates much and went straight home after classes. Never stay back to mingle with them for a chat. Yeah, I do not deny that it is so anti-socialistic of me.

Now I am back to school. Part of me wants to build rapport with my classmates for the sake of an sense of belonging in gossipy community. Like I want to know their backgrounds. What are they doing now? What is up in their lives? Sadly, other part of me cannot be bothered to go up and say hi to them. Actually I can make some efforts but dun know how. I prefer it to be natural that is not directed by my actions or people's. But for the sake of building rapport and seeing no chances of it happening spontaneously, I decided that I must do something. One of my classmates gave me CD for tutorials surprisedly esp when I didn't ask him for it. Another student gave me a note saying "I know that it is tough for you. But I really admire your determination. Keep up the good work!!!". I appreciate these little gestures and the more I must do something. When I was in poly, my counsellor told me that I have to take the intiative to get to know people, and her advice has never left my mind after that.

She is right to say abt this. It is always people who come to me and say hi. Now I must play the reversal role to say hi to people. But the problem is that I dun know how to build rapport with my classmates, let alone say hi to them. Show me. Teach me. Advise me. Impart me tricks and tips.

So creamy-looking

Durian Angel Cake

On my MSN list, my friend, Miss Harumi's display pix of this creamy-looking cake grabbed my attention the most. Durian Angel Cake. I love its sweetly angelic look adorned by little shiny silver pearls and purple flowers accompanied by fresh leaves.
What is puzzling that there is a hole, and I thought that maybe someone ate it before she could take a photo of it without a hole. I realised that it is actually a chiffon cake buttered with durian cream. What a silly fool I am, not knowing that it is a chiffon cake.

Will make a great wedding cake! :-)

But one thing I hate is durian! :-P