Tuesday, June 21, 2005

On Leave

For the next 2 weeks, I will be a loner. No internet. No blogging. No msn. Very stressed with my 3d stuff. Mr Tony wants me to model another character quickly after I am done wtih my red devil character.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Doddling for a living

There I go again, gaga-ing over him again. hahaha. My notetaker who always types out on laptop what the lecturer is teaching during the class told me that Daniel is a storyboard artist.

I reckon that he lives in West because I saw him taking a train on East-West line. I was supposed to take a train on North-South line. But I absently-minded walked into wrong train, not realising that it was heading for West. Okay, I dun deny that I overlooked my gaffe because of him. But when it comes to travelling on electronic railway, I tend to lose my bearings for direction. Many times I had hopped on wrong train and that I had to go back to get on right track.

But hey, I am not so nutty abt the cute guy as if I would walk into the lamp stand and bang my head on it. And see a halo of yellow stars flying ard my spinning head.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Is this test a bogus?

How can? I took English test and brilliantly scored full 40 marks. And yet, I got these bogus results. Arrghh...

You scored 100% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 66% Expert!
You have an extremely good understanding of beginner, intermediate, and advanced level commonly confused English words, getting at least 75% of each of these three levels' questions correct. This is an exceptional score. Remember, these are commonly confused English words, which means most people don't use them properly. You got an extremely respectable score.

Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!

For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog: http://shortredhead78.blogspot.com/.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 61% on Beginner

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You scored higher than 58% on Intermediate

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You scored higher than 46% on Advanced

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You scored higher than 27% on Expert
Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test written by shortredhead78 on Ok Cupid

New Discoveries.....

Following the previous post "I am doomed", I discovered that his name is Daniel. He came in 10 mins earlier before the class started. So early. Thought that he will be late as usual. Saw him copying down the cartoony character on his book. My, I dun know that he can draw. But it is not surprising at all. His creative job requires some drawing skills. How I know his movements? Hahaha. I sit at the last so I can see what he is doing not only him but my classmates as well.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I am doomed.

I couldn't stop taking my eyes off the guy in my combined class. Orginally my class is scheduled in afternoon but now is changed to nite so my class is combined with other nite class. There is one cute ( not baby face, of course) guy who caught my attention in my class. Actually it is not the first time I saw him.

The story goes: A few mths ago, while waiting for my friend outside the office ( that guy's office), I was attracted to stylish interior design of the office so I peered through the glass door to look around the office. I felt as if I was a poor and hungry girl standing outside the house on snowy day, peering thru the window and looking at yummy food on table yearningly. Out of the blue, the guy appeared and I, alone, was afraid that I might not be able to handle the situation if he asked me what I am doing. So I quckly walked away from the office and waited for my friend. Moments later, before my friend and I went into office, we pressed the doorbell and there the same guy appeared and answered the call. Opened the door for us. I was so embarrassed that it is the same guy who caught me just now. But I am attracted to his easy-going personality.

His office sent him on same course which I am attending. He attends nite classes while, me afternoon classes. I had seen him on a few occassions. Even I could smell cigarettee smoke on his body. Disappointed that he is a smoker as he dun look like the one. In fact, he looks decent but a bit Ah Beng. Last nite, I saw him carrying a thick novel. My, I dun know that he likes reading.

I think that he knows that I have been stealing glances at him and I am doomed. What will he think? Stalker? Oh dear, I am doomed. I must control my eyes and stop staring at him.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My 3D animation course

These are excerises which I had done during my beginner class.

Animated Dragon - Not flying but flipping wings, wagging tail and turning ard of neck.

Finding Nemo. It is my best piece of work I have ever done.

I finished my professional level part 1 and will move on to part 2 next mth whereI will learn dynamics. I am not too sure what is that. But I guess that it is something like applying texturing on objects, making effects like bomb explosions and etc.