Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Abrupt Message of the Day

The girl was stunned by the abrupt message.

The moment she came online, the guy instantly prompted her "hi...lurve u".

Thinking that he was joking, she ignored the message and said "hi" back to him.

Guy: I love you.

Girl: Huh, are you talking to right person?

Guy: I love you.

Girl: Please dun play a joke on me.

Guy: Ok

Girl: U like me?

Guy: Yes.

The girl was wondering what was going on.

She dun know him well and seldom chats with him.

Why the abrupt message? What prompts him to say like this?, she was wondering.

She knows that he is not the type who jokes like this......

She wanted to ask him but he disappeared.


Snippets of Hongkong Trip

First Day

My Red Alluring friend and I took Airport Express MTR from airport to Kowloon where we were staying. The ride was very speedy, 20 mins' ride.

Imagine arriving Jurong East in 20 mins instead of about 1 hour from Changi Airport on MRT.

The second pix shows the indication of how much the distance is left till our destination.

Our first lunch at dim sum restaurant.

The Chinese and young-looking waiter dun understand my order for Coke which my friend, Clement helped to convey in spoken English. He looked dumb-struck. Had to point to Coke in drinks fridge and write down on paper. So much trouble for just a simple order for Coke.

It makes me wonder if he knows English.

Mango Desserts.

Not recommended for lactose-intolerance people. They use a lot of condensed milk which is bound to make them go to toilet.

Many creative designs of boots on display. They are on sale - 40% discount off. Not a bad bargain.

Some more designs....

HarbourFront City.

After that, we went back to our hostel and instantly fell asleep on our bed. We were terribly tired and had a few hours' sleep.

Woke up and continued on with our trip to .........

Temple Street market. It was quite close to 11pm++ and most of the stalls have packed up.

My favourite photo. It looks like a playful and candid photo. Taken on MTR, way back to our hostel.

Second Day

Our breakfast. The stuff they cooked is deep-fried and too greasy. Oh, and I dun like greasy stuff.

I settled down for humble sandwiches while Alluring Red friend and Clement ate evil prawn sticks.

Took a tram up to Peak Tower. Foolishly bringing a lot of winter wear to Peak Tower, thinking that it would be doubly cold up at the hill.

Turned out that it was not very cold. Quite cooling.

Chocolate fondue for our post-lunch indulgence at Peak Tower, Haagen Dazs.

Dip balls of ice-cream, biscuits, cakes and fruits into chocolate or raspberry sauce.

The raspberry sauce is so sour.

Causeway Bay famous for shopping.

I think that it is Times Square, upmarket shopping mall with many international brands.

Look at what Red Alluring friend has done to my hair.

She weaved my hair into bird nest.

Third Day

Before we left our hostel for Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre, I searched for my MTR card all over my room but cannot find it.

Made enquires to MTR customer service officer about the card. He is not helpful and dun care to answer my enquiry. Ignored me. Pissed me off!!!

Nice and clean shot.

Inside Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre, there is cosplay exhibition or something, I think so. I saw many young people dressed up for cosplay.

I like her pink dress. It caught my attention.

Crowds celebrating Chrissie Eve on Nathan Road.

Glimpses of crowds.....

I thought that it is other countries' show played on the screen.

Then I realised that it is actually DJ spinning music inside the building under our noses. In front of us!

We are captured on the screen but we cannot see our faces. Hahaha.

I like the techno-feel on the screen.

The policemen look darn cool with their arms crossed. What a pity, the background is blurred.

They wear blue uniform for winter to keep them warm.

For summer, green uniform to keep them cool.

Stunning stars......

On way back to our hostel, had a short chat with Mr Police and took photos with him.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

My Chrissie Prezzie

A few days ago, I left for my holiday trip to Hongkong and came back with my poor and sore feet. This is what I got for my Chrissie prezzie. Too much of walking with these ballernia pumps of mine for the past 3 days. I thought that these shoes are sufficiently good as long as it is flat. Little did I expect that it is too ill-equipped for my walking marathon, and I ended up with as you know.

My Alluring Red friend and I walked to so many dazzling shopping places at Mongkok and Causeway Bay. There are whoopingly 13-15 floors in shopping malls. I miserably dragged my poor and sore feet to every floor while she energetically walked with her feet in good and healthy condition. Humph!

I was so kooky abt boots. I looked at boots, went in and had a hard time trying to squeeze so many pairs of knee-high boots into my legs. Walked out without buying the boots. Hahaha. No lah,kidding. I got myself a pair of boots at a wicked $150 - 40% discount off $260.

My boots - See the pix on the right.

I was so dazzled by so many different kinds of interesting designs. Saw a pair of nice, clean, simple but yet rugged boots, and fell in love with it. The downside, it costs a grasping $500!!!

But anyway, I can bet you that Hongkong is the best promising place to buy boots. It offers a lot of designs and is cheaper than in Singpaore. In Singapore, the choice is limited. It also surpasses Australia. Mostly, Australia's designs are black and plain.

Hongkie girls are more fashionable than our local girls. But our local girls are prettier than them through.

I love their cooling weather. It makes my skin very soft and less-prone to pimples. I wish that Singapore weather is like them. I get a lot of zits on my face, thanks to that hot and humid weather.

My Alluring Red friend and I bypassed Disneyland cos of no time. I heard thumbs-down reviews abt this place. The place is not fantastic as their USA brother. Their USA brother hogs bigger land than this little Hongkong boy.

On Chrissie Eve, wejoined the crowds on Nathan Road for celebrations.

Young people. Old people. Little children. Policemen too.

Snapped photos of happening life - police uniform, crowds, stars decorations and our faces.

That was our last night before we went back to Singapore with our fatter luggage with food and Hongkongy stuff. We didn't buy any clothes. Phew for me! Bless me for saving money to buy clothes.

Australia Slang
* Chrissie - Christmas
* Prezzie - Present

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A Pair of Alluring and Cooling Absolut

This took me one whole week to do an experiment on glass bottle, no kidding. I felt inspired to to give red bottle a femine feel. I like the red and blue atmosphere. I couldn't decide which one to choose. By accident, I put them together. Amazing, they look good and complement each other.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Person of the Year

Woah....my photo appeared on electronic billboard in Times, New York at 1.43pm yesterday but only for 1-2 mins. It is real, mind you. No, I didn't adulterate the photo. The photo is purely original.

My friend, Miss Harumi is the The Person of the Year too. We wished that we can be in New York and see our photos ourselves. But we are struck in Singapore. Grrr.......

Monday, December 12, 2005

Lame Singtel

I think that Singtel outta take a leaf from M1 and Starhub. ST is more established and older than them, and yet these younger and more tech-savy boys are faster to whip out more services than the behind-lagging ST.

Yesterday I searched for my hard copy of ST bill. My bill was a few days' overdue and I needed to make payment at SAM. But the search was futile. How am I gonna make my payment without my invoice? I needed to scan my invoice at SAM before it could register the fees.

I wished that like M1 website, ST should have online payment service. Then the bulb in my head flickered. Bingo! Vpost! It is my life-saver. It has my bill database, and the history of my previous bills can be viewed online. Can make the payment via this website too.

Just that I am a hardcore user of SAM and have always prefered to use my ATM card, knowing that it is more safe this way and people will never steal my money to go on spending sprees.

Recently Starhub launched a new service, i-mode with a bang! and have tied up with OCBC for online banking on mobile phone. Brilliant and convenient for me. At times I tend to forget to do banking with my bank, OCBC. If I am out somewhere and remember to do it, I can simply whip out my phone and press the buttons. And it is done in a few mins.

ST outta buck up and put on a safety belt and speed up and catch up with these boys.

Friday, December 02, 2005

"I am deaf"

Last nite, I rushed to submit my design for Stereohype badge design competition which was due today!