Friday, July 28, 2006

My new cut

One month ago, I chopped my long fringe which have been with me for years faithfully like a wife devoted to her hubby. The last time I cut my fringe was abt 10 years ago to cover a black and hideous scar on my forehead.

This time, I felt that my look was quite stale. My hairstyle was always the same perpetually - long fringe and layered hair which is cut in triangle on back. I itched for a fresh look and decided to try the "schoolgirl" type - short fringe and straight and un-layered hair for a change.

Besides that, I went for shiseido rebonding to manage my unruly hair (arrghh...). Don't ask me what is shiseido rebonding. But I reckon that it is suitable for thick hair.

Don't be fooled by the photo that I look sweet ( me thick-skinned. heehee!) with my short fringe. In reality, I look quite outdated and unsophiscated. My heart aches for long fringe. :-(

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Generation X and Y

Sometimes when I come across a word "Generation X" or "Generation Y" printed on newspapers, I have no clue about what it means. I thought that it is just a fancy phrase coined by the journalists to identify the youth generation.

Well, I realised the truth that these words actually have the meanings.

Plagiarised from Wikipedia:
Generation X is a term for a cohort of people born following the peak of the post-World War II baby boom, especially in Canada and the United States.

Generation Y is the cohort of people born immediately after "Generation X".

Period of Generations
Generation X - 1961 to 1981
Generation Y- 1977 to 2003

Ooohh.... I am a Gen X.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Medisave and Medishield

Last Sat, I went for a talk on how to save money on hospital bills and squeeze the Medishield insurers dry. This talk was conducted in sign language by my friend, Dr Victor Keng. No doubts, the name of this topic "Medisave and Medishield" might appear sound quite boring, and everyone knows what is Medisave. But actually this talk is quite entertaining and interesting that I learnt quite a lot.

Difference between Medisave and Medishield
Ya, we know what is Medisave. We use Medisave to pay for the hospital bills. But still it is not enough to see us through our bloody days at hospitals. Even it might not be enough to pay for hospital food provided for us during our stay. There is a limit of how much we can withdraw from our Medisave.

Hospital bill - $5k
Medisave - $2k
Cash balance - $3K

We have to rummage our pockets for $3K. But I suppose, this amount is quite a lot to pay. Headache and heartache.

Good news, there is Medishield that help cushion the heavy burden of paying the cash balance. Medishield deductible is the min amount that you only need to pay when you make a claim.

For e.g for hospital bills above $5ooo for Class C.
Hospital bill - $5K
Medisave - $2K
Cash balance - $3K

If you have Medishield, you pay a deductible of 10%, meaning that you have to pay a cash balance of $300 only. Your insurer will burden the 90% of the cash balance on its shoulder for you - $2700.

Hurry up and buy Medishield.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Applying for Aussie PR

Many people asked me abt applying for Aussie PR. No doubts, I am no expert at PR application so I am not in the best position to explain the nuts and bolts abt this issue. But what I can share with you is about from what I have heard through the grapevine and friends.

How to apply for Aussie PR?
The maximum number of points you need to fill up - 110 points if my memory is not wrong. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

How to get the maximum number?
It depends on what courses you study.

"Hot" courses where the occupations(See the list below) are in greatly demand - 60 points
- accounting, engineering, physiotherapy, IT, nursing, E-commerce and pharmacy

The rest of the courses like design, business - 50 points

Okay, what abt the rest of the points?
Criteria - Age, proficiency of English and educational qualifications

I fell short of 10 points as you can see that my design course get only 50 points. If I studied "hot" courses, then I will be able to get the full 110 points.

Oh yes, I forget to mention that you must study in Australia for at least 2 years. But now I heard abt the new changes which I am not too sure of. The new criteria is that you must stay in Australia for full 2 years, meaning that you cannot go home for holidays.