Monday, September 27, 2004

Mooncakes, Mattress, Monster Ice

1. There are a lot of moons sitting in my stomach, thanks to my family's purchase of many boxes of mooncakes. Every year, my grandpa will get a few boxes including red bean mooncakes with flaky skin - my favourite. Everyday I would have a dosage of 2 slices, one in the morning and one in the night. There are some more cakes waiting to be devoured so devilishly.

2. A few days ago, my grandpa was all frowns that my mom chucked my late grandaunt's $600 mattress which was bought 10 years ago, down in the Salvation Army.

3. The other day, my sweetie colleague was telling me abt Monster Ice. What is that? It sounds like the name of a cartoon cartoon. Reminded me of Monster, animation movie. She said that Monster Ice is famous for its mango-ice dessert. It is like kachang but generously better than that. More ice shavings and a lot of mango chunks! She loves the mango-ice dessert so much!

She caught wind of the news that Monster Ice invaded Singapore recently and is sitting at humble Beencoolen Building. We trotted through the lively and stuffy Bugis market to Beencoolen Building from our office at Beach Road. In between, we stopped by for quickie lunch.At Monster Ice, we shared a mountain of ice shavings and mango chunks drizzled by mango syrup and condensed milk at $6.50. Quite pleasant-tasting and cooling!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Struggling with Sticks

While having lunch with my colleague at Nooch Bar, City Link, we had an interesting and hilarious show of ang moh lady battling with her pair of wooden sticks with all her mighty. She was struggling to pick up her noodles with her chopsticks. Her male counterpart looked cool eating his noodles with his chopsticks. He never offer her help while she, pitiful, was trying to twist her noodles ard the wooden sticks.

My sweetie colleague beckoned a waitress to do something for her. Not knowing that god-sent help was on the way, she continued to give her darn sticks many futile shots which is obviously not her forte. She must be stunned to find an pure and white angel standing before her and presenting her with a blessed gift, fork. She was so embarrassed abt it.

She laughed and was glad to let go of that sticks. She was eating her noodles happily with her blessed gift!

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Peanut Butter & Nutella

Just now, I was looking at jar of peanut butter. It reminds me of my friend who would eat spoonfuls of peanut butter when stressed. Errghh..yucks! I cannot imagine eating spoonfuls of peanut butter. Is it nice to eat?

When I was in Australia and very stressed with my schoolwork, I would scoop spoonfuls of Nutella hazelnut spread and slowly savour it. I can actually finish a small jar of it within 3-4 days provided that I eat it in morning, afternoon and nite. No bread at all. I was very obsessed with glossy and very sinfully calorie-laden hazelnut spread. I would always get new jar whenever it runs very low. The cycle of stuffing my stomach with brown stuff to death for 3-4 days will go on and on....

I thought that I am only one person who is very manic abt Nutella. Who else can go on Nutella spree for 3 -4 days like me? A few days b4 I hopped on plane for my way back to Singapore for good last year July, I discovered that my friend's girlfriend's groceries' cabinet was stocked with a lot of Nutellas. I was very stunned to find abt 10 jars or more parking there. I take my hat off to her.

But now, I am not manic abt it anymore. I didn't touch it for many months since I last bought it in Feb or March or April this year or last year.....

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Very Delighted Savouring Mooncakes!

I just bought a sinfully calories-laden and sweet green tea mooncake at Bugis Junction today. This is my third time,yes, my third time!!! buying the mooncake.

Every day, I would walk past the mooncake stall at Raffles Hotel and would look at small and cute colorful snow-white mooncakes sitting nicely and comfortably in refrigerated case. The other day, I sampled snow-white mooncakes esp, raffles truffle snow-white cake with my colleague. The raffles truffle snow cake is very deightful to eat. After that, I couldn't stop thinking abt it and was tempted to get it. Eventually I couldn't resist it anymore and brought it home gleefully. This is my first time.

Yesterday having nothing to do at Toa Payoh interchange, I decided to walk around. Outside the interchange, there is a small mooncake fair. Once again, I couldn't resist getting a red bean(my favourite flavour) mooncake. So wicked!

I must control the sinful and wicked temptation not to buy another mooncake for the fouth time!