Sunday, October 30, 2005

Chinese medicine + Dizziness

I couldn't take it lying down anymore so I went to see a Chinese physician abt my dizziness which has been ailing me for one year off and on.

Whined to her that my blood count is very grievingly low, and I have been popping iron pills for past few months.

But my condition have yet to make a 360 degrees improvment.

She examined my pulse and tongue. Amusing, she said that my stomach and spleen are very weak; therefore the nutrients couldn't get through to the organs.

Advised me to not to take Western medicine, esp iron pills as they are quite heaty.

Sounded as if she begs to differ with Western doctor's diagonsis that I am suffering from iron deficiency.

She prescribed me Chinese brown powder to be mixed with water; it looks like shit water. To strengthen my stomach and make my face look more radiant.

Okay, let see if my face has becomes more pinky after 2 weeks.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Student of New Things

Today I sms my mom, for the first time, that I am not coming home for dinner.

To test if she can understand my simple sms.

Indeed, she proved her outstanding capacity that she can read my English sms.

She used to be illerate in English. Cannot read English. Cannot speak English, only a little.

But now, she is slowly improving on her English. She has been learning English in class for quite some time.

Not only English, she has been taking Malay course too. She said to communicate with Malay people in future whenever she goes to Malaysia. Ya, she always go to Malaysia.

Now she is surfing Internet too. Last time, she dunno how to use a pc but now, she knows.

I am quite happy to see her embracing new things like learning Malay, English, surfing Internet.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Life in Perth

Life in Perth from 2001 to 2003. Before I set off on jet for Australia, Perth to pursue my studies in multimedia design at Curtin Uni of Technology, my lovely friends threw me a tearful good-bye dinner at Marche. Haha.

Life in Perth is quite peaceful but a bit dull. Nice place to live there. A lot of gorgeous blue sky there.

Not crowded as Singapore that U can easily walk freely on streets unlike on Orchard street.

Offers a lot of actitives there- horse-riding, sky-diving, cruising, wave surfing and so many things U can do which are rarely found in Singapore.

Every year, there is a Royal Perth Fun Fair. Many girls take out their fancy and decorative head bands, something like tiara, and wore on their heads. Me too. I went and bought one. And wore it at fun fair. Haha.

Felt very relaxed there.

However when nite falls, it becomes a dead and lonely city. Shopping hours close at 5pm. So sad.

Speaking of school life, every morning, I walk a good 25 mins to school. Walk back home. I dun take bus. Save money, ya.

I used to stay at hostel. My housemates dun observe cleanliness in kitchen at all. They always dump their cooking utensils, plates and whatever it is into sink. Never wash till they need it. In which irks me.

So I moved out and stayed at a private residential house. My life has became better then.

Australians are very particular abt lateness. Once I was 15 mins' late for my medical appointment, and the clerk made a little noise abt this.

They are very friendly too. They will greet U "Good morning" on streets while jogging, walking, gardening. Ya. Unlike people in Singapore.

If I say good morning to people in Singapore, they will be taken aback and think that I have loose screw bolts in my brain.

I miss you, Australia!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Awesome and Unique Creation

Source of photography images:

I, a nature-lover, am inspired by the nature around me that God is the most creative designer on earth.

He designed the most brilliant and amazing pieces of work - human, plants, trees, sea, water, birds and so many limitless nature things.

His smart creations never fail to amaze me.

As some of you know that I have taken 3D animation course and modelled a human, I had difficulty modelling some facial features like eyes and ears. It amazed me that they are created in very unique way......

Looking at nature, yes, I am convinced that there is God.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Love at First Sight

I fell in love with him.

He melted my heart like butter.

So cute and boyish.

Darn you, you bewitched me.

Needless to say, I love you.

If you dun know who he is , go and catch him on Korean drama, "Stairway to Heaven", Channel U on Mon and Tue every 10pm.

Yes, he is Kwon Sang Woo from Korea, and a TV star. Yeah!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

1 Day of Fame

Shin Min journalist interviewed me abt my 3d animation course and how I coped with the course and blah....

The article came out on print as well as online ( which I am surprised.) 2 weeks ago. Had to wait for my sis to translate Chinese into English. I dun know Chinese at all.

Okay, here is the tranlated article.

Hearing-impaired girl pairs animation to music
A hearing impaired girl broke through her disability and bravely plunged into the world of animation, which not only involves creating moving characters, but also dubbing sound and music to the movements of the animation characters.

The forthright Jorena Tan, 26, says: "I will not be limited by my disability. In fact, I don't even treat it as a problem."

With her hearing aid, which helps her to hear some sounds, she says she can judge how to flow the music along to the characters' movements.

Although the sounds she hears are are not distinctly clear, she can sense the rhythm and beat of the music.

During this interview, Jorena shows the reporter some of her works. In one animation sequence, a girl dances in perfect sync to a lively beat. It was as if the animation character was Jorena herself, a person who professes a love for dancing. (Ya, I love dancing. )

A passion for animation
An engineering graduate from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Jorena tried her hand at web designing after graduation. Then she decided to further her studies in multimedia studies at Curtin University in Australia. There, she dabbled in animation and her interest in the art grew.

When she returned to Singapore, she decided to develop her interest by taking a course with Intense Animation Studio.

Jorena said: "I like to create animation, especially when it comes to designing characters. Animation makes me feel focused, and it makes me very happy at the same time."

Currently, the animation industry is taking off rapidly in Singapore and Jorena is also getting closer to her dream.

The manager of Intense Animation Studio said: "There are very few hearing impaired animation students and Jorena is the studio's first hearing impaired student."

She adds that the studio arranged for a class assistant to help Jorena record what the teacher said, after which, she will make her own notes.

Said Intense Animation Studio's manager: "The teachers and students communicate with Jorena through the computer."

She adds that everyone is treated equally; after class, Jorena, like any of the other students, is free ask the teacher any questions she might have.

Even though there are very little hearing impaired and physically disabled people taking up animation, the manager stressed that as long as these people have an interest in it, their physical impairment will not present a barrier to their aspirations.

Is a physically disabled person unfit to go on stage?
The hot topic of the day is whether Project Superstar Kelvin Tan is fit to perform on stage. Does Jorena have any comments about it?

Jorena says: "I feel that a physical impairment cannot be used to stop a person's dream. To say that he doesnt qualify because he is blind is ridiculous"

And this is Jorena's courage and motivation; if someone were to say the same thing to her, she wouldn't care or think twice about it.

"Why let ignorant people like these get you down? I won't let talk like this bother me."

However, Jorena says, if someone were to doubt her working ability because of her hearing impairment, she would be very disappointed.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Happy Blog-Writer

My friend, Han (not from Han's cafe, okay) read my blog and said that my style of writing is lovely and simple to write. It lifted up my spirts.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Enlightenment abt Nationality and Citizenship

All along, I thought that citizenship means "pledging your loyalty" to the country and U become a citizen of the nation. Till my friend showed me the light abt the truly meaning of citizenship.

It happened when my friend mentioned that he came across funny questions on application forms. He asked why there are 2 questions asking for nationality and citizenship. What is the difference between nationality and citizenship liao? Aren't they the same?

His bro butted in and said "Nationality is the place where you are born". My friend replied "How do you explain the place of birth". He joked "U???Place of birth? rubbish bin lah....hahahaha".

I laughed too. But I told him that I think that citizenship and nationality are the same. For e.g if you become Aussie citizen, Wizard of OZ (Australia) will become ur nationality.

He nodded and chipped in his 2 cents worth that "it is the same UNLESS I am a PR. For e.g my nationality is Malaysia but my citizenship is Singapore PR."

Huh, so funny. How can Singapore PR be COUNTED as citizenship? From my then-opinions ( old one), citizenship means holding true-blue identify card. For e.g if you are singaporean, ur ic will be pink. If u are Malaysian but Singapore PR, ur ic will be blue. So u are not Singaporean offically and Singaporea is not ur citizenship.

But no, he explained to me that citizen means the status in place. For e.g if u are from India and come to Singapore to work on employment pass, India is your nationality and Singapore employment pass is ur citizenship.

I will spare u the long-winded and yawny details abt our converstations. But anyway, I am enlightened that there are 2 different kinds of citizenships -

1. one for being a loyal citizen of nation provided that you take the pledge,

2. and the other one is for filling up the citizenship question abt ur status in place if U are not from that place. If u are on WP (work permit), u write WP. If U are on EP (employment pass), U write EP. If u are PR, U write PR.

It is quite eye-opener and enlightening for me. But what abt nationality? They said that nationality is the place where U are born. But I think that it dun make sense. My mom is born in our neighbouring country, Malaysia but she is Singaporean. So what is truly meaning of nationality?

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Have my brain broken down?

Recently, my brain's working gear had came to a halt; it has gone into a topsy-turvy state of mind. My thinking juice has dried up that I am not able to think productively. I always forget what I am supposed to do the next. Thanks to that spinning plague, I am reduced to this sad state from a young and healthy to sickly girl. I spent quite a amount of money on consultations, blood test, iron pills and royal honey pills. But I have yet to see some improvement on my condition. My sis advised me to see Chinese sinseh. But the thought of taking brownish powder mixed with water shudders me. It looks like revoltingly shit water.

I label myself as anaemic.

Life is a cake of roses
