Thursday, January 20, 2005

Communication with my family

Many humans asked me how I communicate with my family. I have always said that it is through writing on paper. My family dun know a morsel of sign language, let alone alphabet. And they looked at me with disbelief.

U mean that since young, U have been writing with them?

I guess that it is high time for me to come clean abt my morse code.

Since the discovery of my deafness at the age of 1 + 1 + 1, my parents spent money on me jetting to HongKong and China together with them for "mysterious treatment" when I was very young. Me going there so excitedly, thinking that I go there to play, just to discover their well-intentioned but shocking gift - acupuncture. The sight of the thin and sharp needles were so frightening and gave me the cringe! However I was not sure if it had improved on my decibels cos I was too young to know my condition.

My mom brought me to speech school somewhere in Orchard Road. From there, I built up my speaking foundation. Every week, my Ang Moh teacher rewarded me with a star which gave me more incentives to come very faithfully without a miss!

I was sent to mainstream school and learnt more vocal words from my teacher who uses loud voice and sign lang at same time.

Moreover, my mom imparted a bit of Mandarin to me. So I am able to talk to my famiy but very simple phrases punctuated by mixed rojak of Chinese and English.

Now, you got the answer to ur curious qn. :-)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Relishes of Writing

Writing is therepautic and helps to de-depress when I feel very depressed. It beats entertaining sucidial thoughts - jumping on railway at Ang Mo Kio MRT. Let the brutal wheels of train crush the pretty but gloomy girl's life to instant death and problems are instantly solved. Leaving Blood B+ prints on railway, the only clue for police to test whose DNA it is for identifcation if the smashed face is beyond recognition.

Besides that, I enjoy writing as an imaginative activity. Loves to look at things from funny perspective and think how to write my observations figuratively. It makes me happy and learn the art of observing objects with 5-dimensional experience - sight, hear, smell, taste and feel, which are essential for imaginative mind.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Loss of Hearing' Sensory

Many people are sensitively afraid to ask me about my missing sense. I can understand that they are fearful of making me cry or hurting or maddening me! Like you, I also dun dare to put up my hand in class and ask my Curtin lecturer "Sir, what happened to your arm?". He has a missing arm up to his elbow. But it does not stop me admiring his gift of patience and creativity.

When I was 3, my mom tried to taught me alphabet vocally but my little ears didn't respond. She was puzzled and brought me to a doctor. Learnt that I am immobilised of hearing!

My specialist doctor examined my ears and couldn't find anything defective with it. My mom was in perfect health when she was carrying me in her womb. No measles. No high fever. No accident. No clue abt the cause of my deafness!

So it came to a conclusion that it is by nature that I am born not to hear for me to sleep peacefully, eat happily in nosiy places and rest assured that I do not hear any bad words about me.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

My Mane Full-Blown Up

Messed up by Scarborough Beach breezes!

Monday, January 03, 2005

Sun, Red Maple Leaves, Rain, Wildflowers

Bondi Beach in Sydney. Summer. Blue Sky. Topless Women.

Among the 4 seasons in Australia, I luv the sun the most! Take out bikini and go to beach. Sunbath for lovely tan. Say hello to gorgeous guys and start with the pick-up line "Wow, u have tight 6-pack abdomen. How did you do it?" Magnificent waves in sea to play.

Feel sexy in spaghetti top, revealing a bit of natural womanly assets that guys couldn't resist peeping at.

So many things to do under the lovely sun!

But if anything goes wrong, it hurts me, my housemates Miss Sporty and Miss Cook, my classmates, friends and most possibly the rest of Perth population.

Last time, the temperature was soaring very highly and harshly, 41 degrees. Walking to school for 25 mins under the unforgiving sun was very painful for me. It stung my skin very angrily. It is like standing 50cm away from a big fire and after 5 mins, you will get the same effect.

Miss Sporty had a miserable time trying to sleep well for the whole night. It was very powerful that it can penetrate through the roof of our Notthingham Street house. It was as good as staying in oven that was about to warm up. So how to sleep well?

I was not sure what it had done to Miss Cook but I knew that she had a hard time too.

My classmate lamented that he was not productive in his school work. Too hot for him!

Friends wailed that it was too hot!!!

I believe that the rest of Perth population couldn't have easier time too!

Autumn - Not much of red maple leaves in sight esp when autumn was supposed to show off its red leaves. There were very little red leaves. But luv its cool weather.

Winter - Very gloomy. Not something that I look foward. Always rain. Too cold at night. Too comfortable to wake up in cold morning. Becomes very pitch-dark by 6pm exactly!!!

Spring - Season of wildflowers in bloom but pesky houseflies. Always hound people and me. Imagine it will be annoying to see a housefly on your nose when you are eating a burger!

Why I blog?

Not to follow the trend but to let my thoughts, ideas and inspirations out. This is what the title of my blog is for.

Have been inking my tears, smiles, worries, frustration, happenings and etc on my hardcopy journal since Sec 2, to be exact, 9th Nov 1993 Tuesday. I cried that I flunked my english paper. Very frustrated that I am struck with eye infection for 2 weeks! Cannot find black/white stripes jean.

Up to this day, my left hand is still active, writing my life on primitive paper. But not so frequently as last time when I was a growing adolescent. My paper is out of bounds to public. As it is about my private feelings/thoughts. Too private for them to read my Cries, Fears, Depression.

But the public is definitely welcome to read my Thoughts, Ideas, Inspirations at Nothing too private. Just general. But you won't find me typing how white hairs I have on my head, how my voice sounds like a man when I laugh, how stupid I looked when I got my first anxiety attack.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

She rather die than let go the cable

The headline is quite interesting but unfathomable. Read the article in New Paper a few days ago about a woman clinging to cable for life with her son, desperately trying to get away from unexpected tsunami waves.

Then why this headline?