Wednesday, April 27, 2005

What to sell this Sept?

I was asked if I would like to set up some stall at deaf carnival this Sept and I accepted the challenge. It sounds so fun to sell things and I wanted to feel what a businesswoman is like. However I have no idea what to sell that stands out from run of the mill things like photo frames. My business idea is to sell below $2 things and they must be very creative. Will like to throw in some organic materials like alphabet marcaroni to make things. What suggestions do you have for creative handmade things?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Marking my kid's work.

Shawn types 270 words in the first 4 minutes and 122 words in the next 3 minutes. Find his average typing speed per minute.

My kid's answer: 723 km/m (huh???)

So cute of her answer.

Appreciating the beauty of lovely cakes

Can see very lovely cake. Admire the beauty of the cake. Satisfy the girl's craving for softly baked block of flour, egg and sugar. Makes perfect afternoon tea for giggly girls' bonding time. It is sitting on white plate adorned by blueberries in front of our eyes right now. cannot eat it right away because it is at

Monday, April 25, 2005

Depressing Life of Ex-Web Designer

If I hadn't been served with pink slip a few months ago, it would mark one year's working experience for me at my previous company. I joined my company last year April.

My company was very small, only 5 of us and start-up. I dun mind working for small boys as I believe that I can learn a lot from them. My colleagues are good to me. Even my boss installed MSN for easier communication. The working hours are great, 9.30am to 6.30pm. Can sleep longer and dun have to jostle with passengers in crammed buses. Moreoever it is ideally located in city. Within a few seconds' walk down from my office, there are rows of restaurants and pubs:
1. Killney Kopitiam
2. Garibaldi, a classy and posh Italian restaurant. Their lunch set costs twice $20. Be sure to dress up very classy and throw in some glittering jewellery. Please prepare some tips for their valet if you drive a car.
3. First Thai, a humble and homely non-airconditioned restaurant that cooks very tasty but expensive food. It is very popular with people that you would find them queuing up outside on weekends. Even they do not accept reservations. First come, first serve basis.

And many more pubs. I cannot remember the names of these pubs.

Can steal 2 hours for lunch and moreover girly shopping with my sweetie colleague at Suntec City, Raffles City and Bugis Junction.

These things sound fabulous and dreamy,isn't it?

Yes, it looks cool on surface. But little was known that I was very depressed. It was very horrendous working at their small space where the air was not very fresh and in fact, stale. The air-conditoner was very lousy, gave out very little air. It was as good as working in oven. I had to tahan it every day from Mon to Fri, 9 hours per day. The toilet flush was ineffectual too. Whenever I flushed it, it made a very weak swilling of water and the body materials were not able to be washed away 100%. Had to flush it a few times. My nite-owl colleague always worked at nite while we worked in day. In mornings, when I came to office, it was very upsetting to see yellow water in toilet bowl. Sometimes would see tiny splatters of dried-up urine on edges of toilet bowl,by courtesy of my nite-owl. He is a smoker and puffed in office while working at nite. So I tended to be confronted with upseting stench whenever I stepped into office in mornings.

As I am not meticulous ( artsy, creative and left-handed people have low eye for details. If U observe, u will realise a grain of truth in it. ), I tended to make a lot of gaffes like wrong address, wrong number on the website. No matter how hard I tried, still the small details could escape from my eyes. I checked the tel number on my website again and again. It looked perfectly right to me till my colleague pointed it out some typo on tel number. It was so embarassing for my colleagues to point my gaffes out to me many times. My nite-owl is an expert in IT so I, myself non-tech geekie cannot understand when he was explaining something technical to me. I dun know how to make my technical qns articulate so how to speak Martian's language esp when I am from Earth. When I did something wrong unawarely, it made him very angry to the point that he cc my colleagues when "scolding me" in BIG LETTERS thru email. He had explained to me many times and yet I never failed to repeat it again and again. That made him very MAD!!!

What a demoralising experience for me. I wanted to leave the company but had no idea where to go. So when I was given pink slip as anticipated, I was not surprised at all. My company was in bad financial shape; my payments for salary were not on time every time, and ex-employees and suppliers and etc always hounded our telephone and asked this recurrent question, " When is your boss going to pay me?".

My pink slip was in a blessing in disguise; it spared me of suffering very miserably and demoralisingly. When people asked me why I left my job, I refused to tell them because it was psychologically bad enough for me to go through stale air given out by air-con, stench of smoking, stained edges of toilet bowl, making mistakes abt my work and my colleague's harsh scolding. Telling them is as good as walking through these scenes back like history.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Usual Time of the Month

I am feeling so rotten and crappy. Please excuse me if my english is crappy as well. My legs are wobbly weak. Fresh pimples sprouted out on my cheeks. My craving for food went berserk . I felt like Bridget Jones, pigging out on food crazily.

Food cravings:
Friday nite
Inserted $1 into snacks' machine and pressed "F7" for prawn crackers.

Early afternoon - After tutoring my kid's place, I ate my oily nasi lemak heartily at nearby coffeeshop.

Mid-afternoon - Bought Yan Yan chocolate sticks from Watson.

Nite - Drowned on few glasses of orange soft drink, had 9-course dinner and some cake at hotel.

Early morning, 1am++ - Helped myself to noodles in some function room.

Mid-morning- Brunched on chocolate, roti pratas and KFC.

Mid- afternoon - Helped to finish up some remaining bee hoon in my mom's wok after I woke up from my afternoon nap

Nite - Ordered mee siam at White Sands foodcourt in Pasir Pasir.

Which is not my usual diet. This morning, I took 2 Nurogen pills for my terrible sickness. Drank 1 mug of hot milo for some comfort.

Again had another round of hot milo just now.

Saw some chicken-floss laden bread which is my favourite. It looked so appetitizing and inviting to snack on. But I refused to give in to the temptation. After all, I ate chicken tempura burger, french fries and Coke at MacDonald this afternoon.

I dread it when I think of going through one painful week with bloatness, aching legs and excruciating contractions in my womb.

So suffering!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What is on for this weekend?

I am looking forward to Singapore Assocation for the Deaf's 50th anniversary dinner this Sat sparkling evening. The dress code is 50s. "What are you wearing for this dinner" topic was abuzz among many deafies in SMS, MSN and even coffeeshop. Not me, I am not so interested to yak abt this topic. Rather I am more excited and eager to see what creative and weird ideas for their dresses peoople are up to their sleeves on that day. I can imagine big and cute hairdos, platforms, mini skirts, stylo shirts. Be wary of fashion police. Bear in mind a few graceful fashion rules:
1. No visible pantry lines.
2. No g-string peeking out of your jeans, pants and whatever it is.
3. No black pantry on white pants unless it looks so delicious and babelious!
4. No butt peeking out of your jeans, pants and whatever it is. It is so ugly and disgraceful to see lines of butt.

Mr Goofy, one of hosts for this event, is agonizing abt his poor and exhausted brain memorising his nightmarish script. His brain is dead due to overworking on many things: work, freelance projects. As triathlon himself who is so maniac abt swimming, cycling, running competitively, he most probably thinks that hosting is a sport too and gladly took it up. Work is swimming. Freelance project is running. Hosting is running.

I am salivating about gourment food being served on my table by darn good-looking waiter in tuxedo uniform. Wondering what gastronomic delights chefs with long chef hats will whip up. After all, I paid $50 for this 6pm dinner.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

ジョレナ タア - Can you guess what this is?

I love my Japanese name!!! According to my friend, I need to learn hiranga, then kanji and romaji for English-Japanese. hiranga, kanji, romaji - what is that??? It sounds so torturing to learn 3 dialects for conversion of English-Japanese. Nonetheless, I am fascinated by the mysteriousness of lovely language. Thank you, Mr Goofy.

Mr Goofy - Japanese Frantic who translated my English into Japanese name.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Taxis and Drivers' Sightness

Why is it that when I need a taxi desperately, I see either "Hired" or "On Call"? And yet when I dun need one, plenty of "For Hire" taxis cruise past me. Some honk at me if I want it or not.

*Rubbing my teapot 3 times and the smoke comes out puffing out of the spout.

Magic Genie: Yes, I am at your command. What is your wish?

Jorena: That the woes of searching for an available taxi everywhere, be it isolated or busy places, come to an end!

Anyone can fulfil my wish?

Taxi Drivers
Many times, I have experienced one interesting and common thing abt taxi-drivers - their eyesight. Many of them are short-sighted even though they are not wearing spectacles. When I show them my destination written clearly and sizeable on paper, they squint their eyes and hold the paper close to their eyes, abt 1cm away. Then they take out their spectacles. In some cases of long-sightness, some read at an arm's length. At worst, a very few drivers cannot read a morsel of English. For that reason, I would always make it a point to choose young men if possible and sometimes scruntinize old men's wrinkled faces if they know ABCs good enough for me to tell them where I want to go.