Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Taiwanese Fashion Party

Taiwan! My Princess of Sheba sister flew to Taiwan with her hubby for 2-weeks holidays and came back to Singapore yesterday nite. And blessed me with these sweet and demure-looking tops. Dark pink frilly top - I luve it!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Glittery Diva

My foot has became the sparkly highlight of my body.

Please forgive me if my ugly skin makes u puke. :-P

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Duck Meat

Usually I dun favour eating duck of all sorts - duck porridge, duck rice, duck noodles, roasted duck and whatever it is. I am more faithful to chicken and fish. But today, I ate roasted duck by no choice for dinner. After one bite, my tastebud seemed to taste different. The meat is so tantalising. I wonder where my mom bought it. I think that maybe it is from famous duck stall at Serangoon Garden Market near my home. It is very popular with people and even is awarded with Yummy King certificate. Then it is my first time eating their meat although I have lived in Serangoon Garden for many years since my birth.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Morning Discomfort

Every morning, I would wake up to that familiar grumbling rhyme of faint pain in my stomach. As if my stomach is very hungry, clamouring for food. But but but I am not very hungry physically or dun feel like eating food. The pain has been ailing me for some time. I have nagging suspicions that it could be a symptom of appendicitis. Maybe not. It could be caused by my poor eating habits. *shrugs*

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Old Barang Barang Wanted

My arts performing group, Xtomic passed me the baton to run the stall at deaf carnival next month. To raise funds for them. After racking my brain with the mistress of Xtomic, we decided to collect old barang barang and sell them. If you have any old clothes, toys, books and watever it is, and if you think that you will not preserve them for ur future generations, get them out and we will be glad to get rid of things for you.

You can drop ur junk things at jotankgyg@hotmail.com or jorena_tan@yahoo.com.sg

Watch out for details abt deaf carnival next mth. Stay tuned to http://jorena.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I am a sky-lover

I got the wind of the news abt the possiblity of Singapore setting up the real and permanent sky diving centre. Oh my gosh, I am really excited and hyped up. It means that I dun have to hop on a Boeing plane and fly to OZ across Indian Ocean. Can imagine the air ticking my face playfully and teasingly when I fly.

Url: http://sg.news.yahoo.com/050817/5/singapore163688.html

Question of My Day

Qn: What do you want to be for one day?

Ans: Man! I cannot fathom the man's thinking. Why he is turned on at the sight of boobs. Why is he so cool in relationships? Why he likes the girl and later dumps her without accounting for his cruel deed?

Sunday, August 14, 2005

We wanna dive!

My Red Alluring friend wrote on her blog that she wants to learn diving and to see schools of fishes of rainbow of colours swimming gracefully.

Yeah, me too! But not sea diving but sky diving. I want to learn sky diving and is dreaming of going to Australia, and dive onto sky and fly like a bird. And feel what is like gliding with my arm thru the air on blue and vastless sky.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Am I sexy?

I am pretty bored stiff and saw my Alluring Red friend's blog. Her blog is very funny and gave me an idea. I decided to take a leaf from her and do very funny and wacky post on my blog.

1. Is my smile cheerful?
2. Do I look fat?
3. Am I sexy?
4. Is my brown hair real or fake?
5. You ask me a qn and I answer ur qn. But no cheeky qns, please.

Okay, I will leave these qns to you to judge.

We are Singaporeans.

Today is Singapore's birthday. She is 40 years old and is celebrating her birthday with us at Padang, Yishun, Tampines, Jurong and one more...I forget....ah.....Marina South. 40 years ago, she was under the salvery of Malaysia. She cried,wept, sobbed, wailed and suffered very miserably till the hero Mr Lee Kuan Yew came to her rescue and fought for her freedom and decided to whisk her away from grouchy and stubborn government enciks. This is how Singapore broke away from slavery of Malaysia and became independent on that day.

However Mr Lee Kuan Yew was very sad and wept a few tears. Nevertheless he took it in his stride and worked very hard to rebuild the island. It was the first time that the island was on its own. He urged people to work hard and be very efficient. I am not too sure what Singapore was like 40 years ago so I couldn't continue with this story.

But I salute him for what he have done so much for Singapore. If not for him, most possibly, the island might be in sluggish state till now.

This is my favourite National song -
- People said that we cannot do it but we did it.
- This is my family. This is my country. These are my friends. We are Singaporeans.

Wish you a Happy Birthday...oops.....typo...Happy National Day.

Disclaimer: Please do not take my story abt the hero rescusing Singapore from Malaysia seriously. I heard bits and bits of history. Never take history seriously when I was in sec school.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Little Twinkle Star

Hey, what u do on 13th August, next Sat? According to my study on astronomy, I discovered that a galaxy of shooting stars from Space will be hitting this little red dot island next Sat evening, at 7.30pm. Awesome! Quick, bring out ur telescope and come with me for star gazing. We cannot miss out this chance, mind you. They come to Singapore once in a million years, you know.

in that case if you dun believe that my study is accurate and credible.

Twinke, twinkle, little star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Baa Baa Baa

Look at Black Sheep. The cheek of my friend, Wtoh to call me Black Sheep!!! Baa Baa Baa

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Is it sweet of them,isn't it?

Look at these lovely daughter and mom rabbits! So sweet! They look to be living in very harmony,isn't it.

But you will never know that when it comes to mealtimes, all hell break loose. They will fight and chase after each other as if they dun want to let either of them have food. Blowing at me dirty with flying grains of loose sand incurred by their digging paws when they chase.

It has been more than 4 mths since my creative director friend left with her hubby for UK to work and handed them to my rabbit-sitting care for one year. Intially when they came here to stay in my garden of banana tree, grass, soil, fresh air and plants, it was culture-shocking for them. All a while, they had been living in sheltered and indoor HDB apartment. They refused to eat, making me fret over their poor appetite. They are homesick. They miss their mistress very much. I bought them some sweet treats, oats to cheer them up. They are very delighted to finish oats faster than pellets. Now, they have settled down in my garden happily and my grass is gone!

But one thing mystifies me. I pour them a 3/4 container of fresh water. The following day, I would find it empty less than 1/4. I am puzzled. How can they drink water so fast?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Miki Prune Extract

My sweetie mom bought me Miki ( so cute. It sounds like Japanese. Indeed, it is from Japan.) Prune Extract for my anaemic condition. 3 big jars at $140. Can be used as topping for bread, crackers and etc too.

Blog Interview with Jorena

As I have always loved reading Sunday Plus, I got the inspirations from these interviews.

1. What would your last meal be?
Hmm...it is hard to answer cos it is already very hard to decide what to eat for my next meal. It is indecisive me, always dun what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bring me to Newton Food Centre or whatever it is, and I would have walked ard it 10 times and still undecided what to makan.

2. What is ur best holidays?
- On my way back to Perth from my holiday in Sidney, I requested for a seat near exit door because I wanted to get more space. My request was turned down cos they said that it is too dangerous for hearing-impaired people to sit near the exit door in that case of emergency. But instead of giving me exit door seat, they compensated me with a plushy and comforty business class seat out, much to my surprise.

- Meeting cool and hippie airport staff in Australia, be it in Sidney or Perth. They were very cool to close one eye and let me get away with overweight baggage sneakily without charging me.

3. What is ur worst holidays?
My mom and I were supposed to set off for Singapore home at 12am when we were in Perth. But due to my lousy concept of timing, I was thinking that 12am was the next day. To our horror, we actually missed our flight last nite. I should have kicked myself harder for not double-checking. But thank God, there were some available seats so we could go home on-spot without paying extra charges.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Another day of spinning

It is certified that I am suffering from iron deficiency after the results of my blood test are out. The doctor said that my red blood cells are smaller than normal, therefore not enough iron. I have to eat iron tablets for 3 months!

I slept a couple of times throughout my day. Wah....so good. But it is no joke sleeping for hours and hours. Getting up and STILL feeling dizzy and wobby after the whole day of sleeping. So frustrating!

Hope that it gets better for me tomorrow.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Spinning Complaints

I am suffering from brain flu. My brain is very sick and felt as if it is having a fever. It has been giving me spinning problems, making me dizzy. I couldn't think productively. So I invented the word "brain flu". Hahaha.