Monday, September 26, 2005

Nasty and Rainy Visitor

The weather is so capricious. The whole day,it was smiling sun on us, showing no threatening signs of pouring water from the clouds. Then in evening, it suddenly spilt water on us, melting the sun away.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Hypnotic Reading

People say that reading is good for mind, good for thinking.

For me, indeed reading is good for mind, good for sleeping. Reading always make me fall asleep under the curse of books.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Disability Denied?

A journalist from top-gun newspaper-printing company, SPH interviewed me abt visual-impaired Superstar winner, Kelvin.

Qn: Recently, there was a lot of talk on the Project Superstar competition where a blind busker took the crown. Some were inspired and impressed that a person with a disability could make a mark and fulfill his dream; others say that certain things are still not within the means of a person with a disability. What do you have to say on that? Have you ever heard such negative remarks before? How do you face that?

My ans: As a disbabled person, I feel very strongly that disabiliity should not stand in the way of his dreams and in fact, disability should have nothing to do with his dreams as long as he have the singing talent. If his singing is good and can make to market, why not? Just cos of his disability, he cannot have the "rights" to win cos he cannot meet other things like stage presence, dance? It is ridculous! Of course, stage presence, dance carries some weight but still what most important is that he can sing talentedly and people love his singing. That is good enough. Nope, I haven't encountered negative remarks b4. But if I come across negative remarks, I will not bother and dun let these things put me down. Earlier I mentioned, why should I let these people's silly (no pun intended.) perspectives put me down? I will encourage him to fight harder for his dreams.

It is everyone's responsibility.

It is so funny and amusing to read 11 "It is everyone's responsibility" responses to different questions by Fiona Xie on Mr Miyagi's blog. I cannot understand what she meant but still it is amusing that she can repeat the same line 11 times.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Admiring me from tree?

Is he another one of these guys hiding behind the trees and admiring me from there? I sometimes suspect that he is fond of me but maybe not. But today he is so shy being photographed in FRONT of me. He attempted to block my view but in vain. He went outside the room to continue on with the photo-taking session but still that spot is no good. He came back to the room. Understanding that he is shy, I turned my head away and continued on with my business.

He goes the extra mile just to say bye to me. He looks at me. He told me "hey, I wonder where you have gone to. Never see you for a very long time." I wanted to tease him "why, U miss me eh?" but cannot be bothered.

On other hand, I could be mistaken cos it is typical of Caucasians to be friendly and open. He is from America.

But I dun care a hoot abt it. He is not my type of fish. But it is fun to talk to him and listen to his exaggerated talk. He loves chatting. I treat him as everyone else. Talk to him. Laugh. Crack jokes. That is, nothing else.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Carnival at Water Fountain

Hey, if u are not too sure where the carnival is, never mind. Go to well-known Japanese landmark - Takashimya (hope that i get the spelling rite. My spelling is very bad. :-P). Look out for clues near the water fountain. If you see stalls selling food, clothes, footwear, it means that you are already at the carnival.

Venue: Taka, Civic Plaza, Water Fountain
Date: Next Sat and Sun, 17th Sept and 18th Sept.
Time: 10am to 10am on Sat
10am to 6pm on Sun

I had a meeting with Xtomic and the problem abt keychain is giving me a pain in my neck. Somehow I am fairly sure that it will be sorted out in the end.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Merry of Eating and Shopping

We are cooking food for you. We are making drinks to quench ur thrist. We are sewing clothes for u to wear. We are making bags for u to carry ur things to work.

If U want to join us for home ecomomics, u can visit us at:

International Day of the Deaf Carnival
Date: 17th and 18th Sept 2005
Time: 11am to 10pm on 17th Sept
11am to 10pm on 18th Sept

Come and buy very special keychains from Xtomic. Come and buy clothes from me. Yup, I will be selling clothes.

There is large inflatable for u to play for FOC!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Just some nonsensical stuff for fun

Three things that scare me
Depth of sea
God's wrath

Three things that I like the most
Meeting interesting people

Three important things in my single-storey house
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. I always forget my spelling.
Hard copy of my old non-digital photos. Once lost, lost forever.
Soft copy of my digital photos.

Three random facts about me
I am a procastratinator.
I am a aspirator.
I am the mistress of my purple and non-air-conditioned room with so many half-finished books, redundant extra bed, anitque table and closet.

Three things i plan to do before i die
Mend a crack on my long-estranged friendship of 17 years
Do monthly breast examination
Go for pap smear every 2 years.

Three things i can do
I can write interestingly.
I can look unfriendly and aloof.
I can roll my tongue.

Three things i can't do
Tolerate deaf-discriminators
Overcome my phobia of dogs
Chop my long hair short.

Three things i say the most
How is ur day?

Three celeb crushes
I am too lazy to search for their names on

Today is My Day!

Today I was nervous and fidgety abt showing Mr Tony my 15 sec's dance animation. Knowing what he is like, I was scared that his face will turn charcoal-black if he found out that it is only 15 secs' animation?!?

U did 15 secs' only although I gave U so many weeks to do ur project?!?

Anyway, I showed it to him and he gave me some constructive feedback that motivated me to work harder on my project.

I am thinking abt woman animator vs man animator. There are not so many woman animators compared to so many abundances of man animators. Animation is very taxing that it has taken a toll on my butt after sitting on hard chair in front of my PC everyday,24/7. My butt has become so sore! Not only that, working hours are quite very miserably long. The other reason I can think - men are more techincally-inclined than women that they tend to be better animators than their counterparts. I think that it is true. I saw my guy peer's animation. His animation is far better than my pathetic animation!

On other side , I have learnt a lot of things from animation. It made me appreciate animation. It taught me that art is something that you need to be patient with. Wow-inducing artwork cannot be done overnite. The best of it, I get to meet many boys in animation industry!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Nothing but faeces for my day!

I am so shitty! My carnival thingy and 3D animation project are making it a day's stress! I have an important but tentative presentation day to present my project this week. Carnival thingy also needs to be done within this week - checking out supplies, checking emails, co-ordinating things and so on. Soon my mind will become warped up. Shit!

Friday, September 02, 2005

What is ur greatest sin?

Working at home. For the past few weeks, I have been working on my 3D animation project at home. Lo and behold, I couldn't resist the tempations to daydream in front of my PC, take many breaks in between, check emails, chat online, read my friends' blogs every time and then for the whole of day from morning to nite. At the end of the day, I am still on the same place of my project where I started in the morning. See, I am blogging. I should be working on my project now!!!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

What a price to pay for frayed nerves!

A procrastinator like me is going to die of frayed nerves! I have a few important and pressing things to do - deaf carnival and animation project. As earlier mentioned on my blog, I am in charge of Xtomic stall. As the leader of the stall, I have to chase my friend for supplies, liase with my mistress of Xtomic abt problems, arrange the meetings and blah.......

I guess that if I have more time, I will not be so stressed out. But I dun think so cos I always procrastinates. Always wait till time is near. Then speed up and get things done in a hectic.