Saturday, November 26, 2005

Futuristic and Funky Gadgets

Intriguing laundry washer....

It looks like a large but amusing dustbin.

I imagine that step on that plate and the door will open. Throw ur rubbish into this laundry washer. Hahaha.

But still, I think that it will make a great and funky cool washing machine.


Huh, what is that oxygen hanger? Ya, they said that it is "Oxygen".

Dust Mate

So cute. I can go dancing in these shoes and clean...clean...clean the floor of the dust.

Oxygen, I have found out that it get rids of cigarette smoke on clothes.

Check out soft refrigerator, happy feet, hwa-seok and so many intriguing names on this site,

There are so many interesting and amusing designs out there.

To know the functions of the designs,

Saturday, November 19, 2005

A few snapshots of Church Retreat

Church Retreat at Changi Village Hotel for 2 days and one nite.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Glimpses of Curtin Uni and Graduation in Sept 03

Yup, as you can see, there are plenty of patches of grass in campus. Can sit anywhere.....

My uni is very quiet, fewer students than in NUS, NTU, NP and other tertary instituions in Singapore. Not very crowded.

Though peaceful, it is quite spacious.

Oh ya, the buildings are quite old. You wouldn't believe that there is no air-con in lecture halls and tutorial rooms at my school of arts. Except computer labs. I had to fan myself with paper during summer time. Very hot and sweating!

The lecturers' offices are not organised, scattered throughout the school of arts. Some are on 3rd leve. Some are on far end of this school. Some are on top level. It is like finding the offices in maze.

My uni took special care of my needs- they provided me notetaker free of charge.

I was warned to be careful in campus because there are a lot of cases of crimes, even RAPE happening . My friend's house nearby was broken into. There are thefts of cars. Break-ins. Rape. Even I was not spared. I once lost my pouch. Not sure if I dropped it accidently or someone stole it.

For a full version of the crime stories, read my friend's blog article, Hunting season

Hey, buddy Hanz, why dun u write ur blog abt ur school, supermarket and life in Australia?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Hottest Blogger

I was so stunned to see the pix of the hottest blogger, Dawn Yeo. She is so damn chio!

Yes, very, very, very chio! She has the looks of Eurasian. Her eyes are so pretty, looks very foreign.

But of course, it is natural of Eurasian girls to look so damn pretty that they can blow ur mind away!

I have an Eurasian friend from Australia. Her blood is mixed of so many races - Portguesese, Indian and so many - I cannot remember. She is very pretty, u know.

My mom met her before. She said that she looks like a STAR!!!

Anyway, I saw the old photos of Dawn. The old photos dun look like the present her. She looked like a typical teenage student with normal looks.

But I thought tat it is natural and common of ugly ducklings to blossomed into beautiful swans.

I have witnessed so many girls, especially my Alluring Red friend becoming so beautiful. With the help of right hairstyles, makeup, confidence, exercise and skincare.

However, there is a lot of blog speculations that Dawn has undergone the knife on her face. Cos she looks so different from the past.

She was accused of not being open whether she has done it or not.

Woah....if she has done it, yup, I want to go for it.. But anyway, it will not materialise.

Not because I dun have deep pockets, I dun see the necessity to rip the features open on my face with a knife. For what?

Unless I have a very, very, very bad man-made imperfections on my face.

Last time, I had a very bad blemish on my forehead, near my eyebrow. It was a very large zit, and I squeezed it. It became worse and left quite a big, obvious and round black scar which upset me.

I went to see a skin specialist, and he said that it will be there forever. No medicine can remove it.

Black scar on my face which will be there for life??? It dun look so pleasant on my face. It upsetted me very terribly.

Darn it, I should not squeeze it.

I cut my long fringe to hide it, you know.

Someone suggested tat I go for plastic surgery. I was taken aback cos it was something so drastic.

But anyway, I had my dad's support so I was "brave" to go for it.

It was a minor surgry, done for 5 mins to remove the black scar. It costs a few hundred bucks.

Never mind if it left a "hole" which you notice near my eyebrow. At least, the black scar is not there anymore as long as I look normal.

I have learnt a lesson not to do that again - squeeze zits.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Passport Photos

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Rainbow Connection

There is a new 9pm show, The Rainbow Connection on Channel 8. It is a dance show.

I dunno what it is abt. Never watch it, and I dun.

But I know that it is all stupidity abt so-called "team spirit", yelling at people abt not dancing, preaching people abt benefits of solo dance and blah....

It is abt people with weirdo hairstyles dancing.

There are too many new faces. Never see them b4 and dun know their names. Where the hell do they come from?

I suspect that they are picked up from streets.

What a crappy show!

Monday, November 07, 2005


Hey, good news. Someone kindly left a tip on my blog that the board game, Sequence can be found at a game store, level 3, Plaza Singapura, opposite Thai Express. :-)

Great! Dun have hand-make the board game on cardboard which someone did. And pretend that the bread tags are game chips.

A few days ago, we played this game.

They cannot find the game in little island of Singapore so they hand-made it on cardboard.

Drew the numbers on it with markers.

Ate, ate, ate bread till they had collected enough red, green, yellow, blue bread tags for game chips and they are "fat" with so much loads of carbs. Hahaha.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

My hate-turned-love relationship with nasi briyani

Last time, I dun like to eat nasi briyani but now like it.

I cannot fathom why people like to eat it. My friends eat it. My housemates in Aussie eat it too.

A few years ago, when I was in Australia, I went to Spencer Village with my housemates for dinner. Spencer Village is Asian food centre, selling Asian food. There are Asian restaurants. There is Asian hawker centre too.

They ordered what? Nasi briyani. All of them ordered this nasi except me.

When I was working for Asiaone last time, every month, there was a lunch meeting with my dept.

During one of the lunch meetings, I was dismayed to see nasi briyani. I tortured my taste buds, eating bits by bits slowly.....

I am quite Miss Food-Fussy. Always hate to eat this. That. This nasi is something that I find not to my liking.

However since my visit to my Malay host at her place a few days ago, it changed my taste for this nasi.

Not that it is very delicious. After eating, I find it quite tasty and am convinced not to stun this food anymore.

Ya, I ate it for dinner today.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Lunch and Sequence

Food very terrible!

We, commitee members from Cyberlab, Singapore Assn for the Deaf made our way from Singapore across the causeway to JB for lunch buffet. Walked to City Square from JB customs. Climbed the bridge from City Square. Again walked up the slope till we arrived the hotel.

All these time and energy for walking, we got terrible and un-appetitizing food in return.

There is not much wide choice of food to offer. Just plain rice, fried rice, economical dishes, salad, bread, cakes and ice-kachang.

We sat there, so bored with our un-interesting food. Like the little kids in TV commerical looking so sian at their food. They refuse to eat food. Their worried parents are at wits' end. Then they give kids milk. The kids are happily drinking milk.

We left the hotel with our new year resolutions not to come back for lunch again.

For some reasons, I couldn't name the hotel. I do not want to make a big splash on newspapers for "deframing" the hotel like some racist bloggers.

But I give u a few hints. It is a brand hotel. There is another branch in Singapore too. It is near Marina Square.

Game time. We played sequence game at Coffee Bean, City Square.

The game is mentally challenging and very addictive. It cannot be found in Singapore, only in America.

This photo is taken with my camera by my friend. I like this pix.

The end of trip. Went home and had late 9.30pm dinner with them at Toa Payoh.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Today is Hari Raya Puasa

When I heard that the guys from Intense Animation Studio which I did my 3D animation course there were visiting a Malay colleague, I tagged along.

Why? I love going sightseeing at different cultural homes - Malay, Indian and etc....To experience their celebrations. To taste their goodies. Have a merry time with them.

I observed that generally Muslim homes are lavishly decorated with carpets, electrical applicances, gold things and etc....Whenever I am in Muslim home, I can feel the close-knittness among the families.

It amuses me when I see Malay families going together as a complete set of parents and children like a flock of birds to visit their relatives. Which I do not bother to go together with my mom to visit her relatives during Chinese New Year.

Not only visiting together, you can find so many Malay families camping together at Changi Park on weekends, you know.

Maybe it is their culture to be united, must do things together.....

See, we wore Malay costumes together to show a unity. Hahahaha.

Anyway, we were hosted with home-cooked lunch buffet - nasi biryani, beef rendang, curry chicken, prawns and other things which I dun know the name.

My favourite cookies are peanut cookies coated with flour on surface. Not sure of the name through.

My Malay costume, baju kurung was passed down from a Malay girl to her then-best-friend many years ago. Her then-best-friend was me. Yes, we used to be best friends but now, not anymore.

Lastly, I wish you Happy Hari Raya Puasa.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween Nite at Zouk

Night life at Zouk on 31st October 2005. Apart from halloween-ing my nite away with Pumpkins, french maids, insects, animals mascots, and ya, Olinda Cho in racing car costume, I crossed paths with a guy who I haven't seen for last 8 years.

So good to see him again. He is still the same - very attentive to every girl. The type that can make you feel spontaneous with him.

He can recognise me thru my beautiful yes ( yes, he said so.) on my half-masked face.

No, he is not the one in black shirt on right top photo. He is the other friend.

He dun adore being taken photos as he thinks that his face is not photogenic enough.

Did a bitsy-isty of catching up with him, drank a bit of his beer and we exchanged our numbers.

Went back with my poor, aching feet and my smelly hair. I cruelly ill-treated my feet, pounding on floor in high-heels (very high). Because I love dancing. Couldn't stop dancing, dancing, dancing depsite my sore feet.