Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ugly and Thick Hair

One year ago, I rebonded my hair, and now my thick and wavy hair are creeping back. My hands are finding it harder and more tedious to wash my hair.

I am happy with my natural hair which I consider it as "good luck". I mean that it is to my advantage that I dun have to wrinkle my anxious face, fretting that my hair is either too skinny or dropping a lot. I heard that it is natural to drop over 100 strands and they are assumed that it is nothing to worry abt. Nah, I dun think so cos I know that it can be very frightening to see so many strands dropping, and 100 strands are abnormally a lot to me.

When I wash my hair, it rebels against the Law of Gravity, and less than 10 strands can be hardly seen on floor.

Another pro - Thick and wavy hair is worshipped as big, fashionable and sexy ornament. Yup, true that it is easier to style the hair sexy since it have volume.

But I am not a high-maintenance girl and am too lazy to blow-dry and spray. So my hair looks so plain. Sometimes I wish that it is straight for easier maintenance and fuss-free, and straight hair looks more neater.

Back to old times, my hair was very big and ugly like Afro. There were no layering techniques which were not yet invented. My childhood friend, C made my hair the butt of jokes. He suggested that I should be the spokewoman for Coke cos I fit their "punky" image.

To keep up with trendy image, people are always colouring their hair. I am opposite. I am always going for straightening, relaxing and finally rebonding.

Straightening is flattening the hair on colourful boards. The effects dun last very long, the monsterous hair will come back after a few weeks.

Relaxing is combing the hair straight with some cream. Lasts for a few months.

Rebonding is the latest technique. Lasts for one year.

If I have a choice, I will choose straight and thick hair. Till now, I am resigned to my monstorous hair.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Craze "4"

Tagged by Hina.

Four jobs you’ve had in your life
- Pondersoa crew
- Scanning Assistant, so boring, the most boring job in my life but it pays well.
- Draftswoman

Four movies you could watch over and over
Err...I dun watch movies a lot. Cannot remember the names of the movies.

Four places you’ve lived
- Karawara, Perth
- East Victoria's Park, Perth
- Serangoon Garden ( still living)
- Unknown

Four TV shows you love(d) to watch
- Frasier, Americian show. Very funny!
- Everybody loves Raymond, Amercian show.
- The Bright Girl, Korean show
- Overtime, Japanese show

Four places you’ve been on vacation-
- Australia
- Malaysia
- Hongkong
- Thailand

Four websites you visit daily
- Mr Brown
- Mr Miyagi
- Karen Cheng
- Kenny Sia

Four of your favourite foods
- Thai pineapple rice with pork floss sparkled on top. Yummy.
- Hongkong dim sum, esp siew mai
- Bolognese spaghetti
- Teochew porridge. It must have salted egg, fried luncheon meat, pickled vegetables. If not, I go on hunger strike.

Four places you would rather be
- Heaven. No suffering. No problems. No miserable life there. Believe in Jesus and he will prepare a place for you in his home.
- Ice-skating rink. Keeps me cool on hot day.
- Hongkong. A lot of shopping places.
- Beach resort. Nice to sleep there and good for relaxing. Slow pace of life.

Four tagged
- Sandra Lim
- Alluring Red
- Wendy. Hey,not Wendy Cheng, mind you. Wendy Toh
- Hanz. He is very lazy to blog nowadays. Sigh.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Unfazed by personal obstacles"

Teenage magazine, 17 will be writing a story on strong women who have overcame personal orderals. U can guess that I am one of the women they will be interviewing.

Updates: The article will be out in March issue.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Food of the Day

Speak of the devil, my friend couriered me pixs of drooling deep-fried wanton, prawn and chicken stuffings from USA to Singapore via DHL. Minus the aroma of wicked food.

DHL huh? Okokok, I am joking. Not DHL but email from his gmail to my hotmail.

These pictures are taken in some restaurants in US. With lousy camera-handphone. That explains that they look grainy.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Reviews abt my Hongkong trip

There I go again....this is my third post abt my HK trip.

My Red Alluring friend and I bunked at some budget hostel, Kowloon Hotel and New Garden Hostel. It was challenging for me. I had always slept in comfortable and lavish hotel room laced with coffee, air-con, tv, carpet and relaxing shower. Oh how I love tucking under thick and quilt blanket!

On the other hand, I thought that it would be good to break out of my comfort zone, and experience the life of staying in budget hostel.

My hostel is located in some grimy and aged buildings with ugly sights of old air-cons poking out of the windows on outside.My room is very tiny, about 1/2 of a standard HDB bedroom. The bathroom is very squeezy - wash basin, shower facet and toilet bowl cramped into a pigeon hole. The availability of hot shower is limited from 8am to 12pm and 8pm to 12am. Actually they bluffed us. They said that it will go off after 12am. But the hot water was still streaming 10 mins later after 12am. Okay, it is not a total bluff. I tested it at 3am and yup, it is very icingly cold!

In the morning, I can hear some noises outside when I am snoozing. Of course, not my own snoozing noises but other noises from upstairs, downstairs or outside my room. I dun know what is that....but I guess that it is the sounds of usual hustle and bustle of life buzzing within the building.

The lift is so slow. It stops operating after 10pm. Wah,another restriction after limited hot shower time. We had to climb 8 floors idiotically, not knowing that there are lifts operating all the time at other corner of the building. We panted for nothing. Crying aloud!

I expected my trip to be completed with eating and shopping. But.....I am ashamed to say that I didn't make it to my food itinerary. Instead of Hongkie wanton mee, yuotiao, soya bean milk and some local delicacies, we ended up having pasta (yup, it is cooked at Hongkong restaurant by Hongkie chef. But I protest that it is not counted as Hongkong cuisine. It is considered as Italian food. They think that they can fool us by trying to pass pasta as HK food.) and bread. Yes, we had dim sum and congee but not for every meal. Our schedule was in a bit of chaos that didn't permit time for meals. We Chinese-idiots cannot read Chinese menus displayed outside their eateries that hindered us from going in and try their food. It was a bummer that I never try their wanton mee and compare the difference between Singapore and HK version. I go and wail.

Before I flew to HK, I resolved that I must exercise my restraint to spend money on clothes. My weakness. I cannot simply resist the serpent's temptation ( in the bible, the serpent tempted Eve and Adm to eat apple and they fell to sin.) to buy pretty clothes. There were sales season offering up to funky 40% discount everywhere. There are no GST or service taxes. Wow, I wish tat Singapore should follow HK. At least, Singapore's GST is lower than Australia's tax, 10%. My money was spent on boots, food and designer products- cup, photo frame and mousepad designed by HK designers. But no clothes at all, I am amused. Okay, I told a little lie. I got a few hair accessories but hey, they are cheap.

I heard that people are reputed to be rude. Really, I went and found out for myself. I only met one insolent MTR officer. The old people are hopeless to communicate with. When we ordered congee, we asked them how much. They looked bewildered. We gesticulated by rubbing our thumb against our index and first fingers as "money". But still they cannot get it. We wrote down the symbol "$". They were blurred. Sigh! We took out our bucks. They gesticulated "2", 2 times. I assumed that it is $22. But no, actually it is $20. Then why they gesticulated "22"? Unaswered question.

Public transport fares are quite steep. As a tourist in Singapore, I can cover the whole of island for maybe $20 for three days. But in HK, 3 days' tourist MTR card covers unlimited rides for $60. Hmm...unlimited rides for 3 days, $60? But our legs, limited manpower and energy, we can stop at few places from afternoon ( we always woke up very late and left our hostel in late morning, quite close to lunch hour.) to night.

I realised that we never walk on the stretch of Nathan Road, the "famous" road where the police always chase after gansters. This is what I watch on TV. I want to walk along the road and see what the shops offer. But...sigh. Another bummer.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Suddenly, the world pauses for a min before me.

I received sombre news that a young man of 18 passed away in his hometown, Penang today. My mom cried abt her nephew's demise, and of course, my dad and I were saddened by it.

A young man, he have a future ahead of him. Although not being close to him and never talk to him before, let alone a minute, I watched him growing up till now since he was a baby. He toddled clumsily with his little and unsteady legs. Celebrated his birthday. Outing with his family at Chinese Garden for mooncake festival. Family trip to Penang together with him. All these things - it was many years ago when we were kids. I was bigger girl, he a smaller boy.

His future was cut short so cruelly when leukaemia decided to invade his life. He went in and out of the hospital countless times more than u can count ur toes and fingers. His school life was held on. My mom brought him to Taiwan to see a doc. She brought him to JB for the same reason. His mom quit her job to take care of him full-time.

It was a couple of nights ago since I last saw my cousin sleeping so miserably on hospital bed. He was in pain all the time despite being on painkiller. He screamed in harsh tone, I could hear. His body was in bad shape - bloated belly and swollen legs. My aunts who came all the way from Penang to Singapore saw the wretched boy and cried.

At hospital, I took a pamphlet for info on dying patients and saw that they want to spend their remaining time at home. A few days later, I heard that my cousin went back to Penang where he was born.

He will remain etched in my memories forever. Rest in peace.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Portrait of Happy New Year

On 1st day of 2006,my couple friends, Melissa and Daniel bought 2 red grapefruits and some grapes for me at NTUC. As a token of thanks for bunny-sitting their rabbits in my garden while they were away on overseas work.

They hanged around at my house. Read newspapers. Watched Taiwan shows. Chatted. Drank water. Daniel wanted to eat cake.

So I brought them to Serangoon Garden market to have cake. Pointed at Pancake King stall serving coca cake, $2.50 a slice. But he dun like that muddy cake layered with slimy chocolate topping.

My mouth was itchy to eat food. I suggested that we share satay which is a rare treat for me. Never eat satay for a very long time.

We topped up our thirst with Selegie soya bean milk, my favourite beverage. I have always loved drinking soya bean milk. It would be fantastic if I could have my milk every day. When I was in Ngee Ann Poly, I always order nutritious and warm milk from drinks-selling uncle at Canteen 5, School of Electrical Engineering every morning.

Saw them off at bus-stop. The end of my programme.