Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Paid $50 for Japanese Look

It is my first time having my photos taken for beauty makeover. For this $50, I felt pampered and like a glinting star. The graphic designer who designed the photos said that I look like some Japanese actress.

Earthy Adventure

This morning, I saw my mother rabbit, Hazel digging deeper into her burrow beneath grass that it can trek inside the rabbit-made tunnel for some earthy adventure. l am paranoid that it will dig all the way to my neighour's house. I imagine that in future, if I cannot find the rabbits on earth, it means that they must be hiding inside the tunnel, and that I have to stoop down my neck and beam a ray of torch light to peek inside if they are playing a hide-and-seek game with me.

Actually I can stop their naughty digging antics. But I don't want as I want to give them freedom to do what they want to do to my soil. I want them to be happy in their new home. If they are happy with digging a burrow on my soil, they have my blessing. All I hope is that they are not up to their tricks to escape from home or paw the soil all the way to my neighbour's house.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Burrow Day

So cute of the rabbits! Greyster, the daughter rabbit seemed as if it is following its mother, Hazel into the burrow when it is time to go home after a day of frolicking, eating, sleeping, idling under banana tree in its playground outside.

My friend, Melissa left her 2 bunnies in my rabbit-sitting's care for one year; she and her hubby had gone to UK to work for some nature conservation organisation. Every time and then, I would check if they have eaten their fill of pellets and hay. But their food is barely finished throughout the day. Reckoned that they must be either homesick or suffering from shock culture. After all, they have been living in sheltered environment - HDB flat that they might not be used to their new outdoor home - banana tree, grass, soil, sunlight, rain and etc.

To rejuvenate their diet for a fresh change, I fed them with oats and they are delightfully eating it. I asked my sis, well-experienced in taking care of rabbits, if oats can be fed everyday. I was surprised to hear that oats is actually junk food for rabbits especially when I thought that it is supposed to be some wholesome and nutritious food. Even veggies are junk food that cannot be fed too much to rabbits.

I, no dietary expert, am at a loss and have no ideas what to feed them besides hay and pellets to improve on their appetite. Meanwhile I continue to replenish their food, change water and watch their paws digging the burrows playfully. They are very naughty; they dug a total of 4 burrows on my soil enclosed in their pen.

Greyster and Hazel, wish you Happy Burrow Day instead of Easter Day.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Is this a symptom of Alzeheimer?

Aarrghh!!! My memory is playing a prank on me although today is not April's Fool. My hotmail cum MSN password is wiped out from my brain, so I couldn't login to hotmail or MSN. The security qn is useless because I also forgot my own password to this qn. Anyone can help me to decipher my password?

In the meantime, I can retrieve my hotmail mails from MS Outbox.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Lost and Found

I cannot find so many things which have varnished mysteriously at home, leaving no clues at all. As if it is the works of the great magician, David Copperfield.

A few times, I searched for my inline skates in 2 possible places - my bedroom and storeroom. Search other rooms? No, why on earth would I keep my skates in most unlikely rooms - toilet, bathroom, kitchen, garden? I recalled that my mom packed the skates in the box and stashed away in the storeroom. But I still cannot find it in storeroom amid so many junkie things - books, Chinese cooking utensils, old framed paintings, pails, wheels, tiles, chairs and etc. Asked my mom abt it but she seemed to have lost a bit of her memory.

I saw your shoes in your room.

But I saw you packing the shoes in the box and stashing it in the storeroom.

Really? U saw me?

Yeah, I saw you.


It is upsetting that not only my skates, my bags are gone missing too. One is my favourite pretty blue clutch bag which my Princess of Sheba sister sweetly got for me from Bangkok. My tribal orange sling bag from India was given to me as a Christmas gift from my creative friend, XY. I bought an army tote bag from Japanese-inspired store, POA at ard $60 and a few months later, I was combing fruitlessly for it.

Till now, they have yet to be reported found. David Copperfield, gimme back my things!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Investigation of My Speech

Went for my first session of speech rehabilitation at Tan Tock Seng hospital, government-funded, to improve on my speech articulation and to expand my library of spoken words. My current library is not as good as others who can speak thousands of words. Me can only speak hundreds of words which is a far cry from Primary One. So I decided to take up linguistic challenge, undaunted by my age, 25 years old.

At the hospital, I had a little chat with my speech therapist, Lousia abt my educational background. I was puzzled why she asked me abt this and couldn't see how it can help in my speech rehabilitation. To assess my library and how well I can speak, she gave me a list of words and took video of me reciting the list with my defective speech. I felt as if I am a newscaster, reporting news on TV but I loved it! After that, there were some more tests to be taken in front of camcorder - to talk abt myself and to talk to my mom who was with me. At the end of the examination, she concluded that I need to work on my tongue-twisting, and she would go thru the tape b4 she can decide on how she can help me for the next session.

I was very impressed with Lousia's thorough investigation, unlike my previous and ineffectual therapist who simply booted me up on a list of words, shaked her head when I mis-pronounced words, corrected my mis-pronounced words with a hint of impatience in her voice, and gave me instructions to practise it at home. All was done in express 30 mins and it was my first session. And I didn't turn up for 2nd arranged by appointment session with her.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Beaming Owner of New Phone

Yippee!!! I have got rid of my red Nokia 3315 which have been with me faithfully for 2 years. As much as I want to stick to it very long till it dies on me. I am deathly sick of only one green-coloured screen, and no other bell and whistles like camera. It didn't help that my sis bought a new MMS camera-phone that I was so tempted to forsake my phone for the new one. And I did.

Now a happy owner of piano-black Nokia 7620. Played with ring tunes. Listened to every tune - be it Antsy,Attraction, Blue Smoke and u name it, provided that I have it on my tune list. My favourite tune is Espionage. The most catchy name of the tune is Blue Smoke. The strange name is Thunderbolt, and as the name suggests, it is supposed to sound very angry and frightening. Instead of that, it sounds very happy. The most revolting tune is Fire Alarm, very deafening!

Chose pink for my screen, and pearls-inspired pix for my background.

I have yet to learn how to synchronise my phone with the computer, let alone download the photos.

Happy Exploring for me!